When it comes to “communication” it refers to a multitude of activities and, consequently, to professional profiles that deal with the dissemination of different content for different purposes using all possible channels.
Over 50% of the world’s artistic heritage resides in Italy. Faced with this important issue, the expertise gained in the area of archaeological communication, and in particular in the field of documentation of archaeological sites and monuments, to the virtual reconstruction of artefacts and landscapes is still limited.
Generally, important studies conducted on territories rich in historical and artistic evidences are promoted only by means of communication that emphasizes the mere technical-scientific aspect, ignoring the emotion linked to discovery, which is sum of competence and love, knowledge and passion that archaeologists or a historians place into their daily work.
Very often, our customs have roots in remote times. Knowing the daily life of our land’s past, is an exciting matter that opens up amazing perspectives. Even the most common person, faced with the discovery of his past, can be excited and enriched in his own knowledge of the self. Our task is precisely this, to arouse a desire to know more and go beyond the descriptive aspect of a place, an event, a character, a popular feast.
Exactly us, who for twenty years have stacked data upon data at the service of knowledge, meticulously describing sites, we who make models starting from the analysis of reality, we who measure the culture of a place through meter, level and plumb bob, have discovered today that there is much more. That every measured object has a story to tell, that stones talk, that the size of an object speaks about the ability of an artist to model the object itself.
To describe to others, technicians or the general public, the true sense of a place or object of the past, there is but one way: the use of different languages, from film and video to modern multimedia applications, used at their best expressive capability, in order to achieve a surprisingly different result from those we are accustomed to.
2008 – MEDITERRANEAN BOURSE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL TOURISM in PAESTUM – SALERNO, November 14th 2008 – Presentation of the M.A.T.C.H. Project – “Archaeological and Cultural Heritage for Mediterranean Tourism”.”
UNIVERSITY OF NAPLES ‘SUOR ORSOLA BENINCASA’ – November 29th, 2008 – M.A.T.C.H. Project “Archaeological and Cultural Heritage for Mediterranean Tourism”: film projection by Studio 3R s.a.s. by Alessandro and Sven Stefano Tilia, communicating the work done in the M.A.T.C.H. Project concerning the relational database and GIS, within the Flegrean Compartment Information System.
- 2014 – PORANO Activities related to “Incentives of tourist activities” within the tourism project in Porano: a new generation information network.
‘Comune di Porano’ is an application dedicated to the territory of the municipality. The initiative was conceived and implemented within the framework of the Rural Development Program for 2007-2013 and welcomes the visitor using state-of-the-art methodologies, comprehensive information and attractive technologies to enhance Porano’s value and its attractiveness.
The 3D model created herein, allows the interactive view of the territory by choosing itineraries, monuments and archaeological areas or parking lots for the visitor.
It is an indispensable tool that helps you navigate thanks to the GPS tool that indicates the visitor’s position on the 2D map; Basic information on individual monuments is accessible by selecting the icons on the paths and opening the information sheets with texts and photos.