Presentation of the M.A.T.C.H. Project – “Archaeological and Cultural Heritage for Mediterranean Tourism”.

UNIVERSITY OF NAPLES ‘SUOR ORSOLA BENINCASA’ – November 29th, 2008 – M.A.T.C.H. Project “Archaeological and Cultural Heritage for Mediterranean Tourism”: film projection by Studio 3R s.a.s. by Alessandro and Sven Stefano Tilia, communicating the work done in the M.A.T.C.H. Project concerning the relational database and GIS, within the Flegrean Compartment Information System.

6th World Archaeology Congress (WAC) held in Dublin (Ireland) from June 29th to July 4th 2008 with the paper “Archaeology in a changing landscape: a difficult relationship in an Italian case-study (Interporto Roma-Fiumicino).”

IX Incontro di Studi Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruria “L’alba dell’Etruria fenomeni di continuità e trasformazione nei secoli XII-VIII” tenutosi a Valentano e Pitigliano (Grosseto) dal 12 al 14 Settembre 2008 con l’intervento “Località Le Vignole – Maccarese (Fiumicino, Rm): risultati preliminari dello scavo protostorico” IX Meeting of Prehistory and Protostory Studies in Etruria “The Dawn of Etruria, Continuity and Transforming Phenomena in the XII-VIII Centuries”, held in Valentano and Pitigliano (Grosseto) from September 12th to 14th 2008 with the paper “Località Le Vignole – Maccarese (Fiumicino, Rm): preliminary results of the protohistoric excavation”

XVII International Congress of Classical Archaeology (AIAC) “Encounters between Cultures in the Ancient Mediterranean World” held in Rome from September 22nd to 26th 2008 with the poster “An extensible hydraulic structure of the imperial age in the territory of Maccarese (Fiumicino-Rome)”

2017-08-04T09:11:25+00:00 2008 |Architecture|